The full moon ritual of release series offers a safe and potent ceremonial space for release, renewal, and the reclamation of our deep intuitive gifts and magical self care tools. Starting with a platica (a talk and teaching on specific topics), we will learn techniques for emotional well being and the flowering of our most sacred potential.
Then, engaging the month's theme, we will enter into deep ritual to align with the full moon, a powerful time to release the excessive energies and emotions we have collected, in order to restore balance and make room for the full flowering of our dreams and intentions.
Topics covered stem from the rich traditions of Curanderismo, Nahualismo, folk herbalism, and magick. Come join Melusina Gomez of Metzmecatl for sacred practices to increase our perceptual skills, to heal, and to rejuvenate ourselves.
February: February's theme will be a platica on healing waters and water symbolism in dreams and magical practice: rain, achinolli (combination of fire and water), charging water to destroy that which we don't want to carry further and to increase healing, love, and rejuvenation. We will do a deep meditation to the land of the Tlalocán, the inner paradise, and call to our deep self love and radiance.
Melusina Gomez is a curandera and practitioner of Nahualismo. Coming from a deep love of mysticism and ancestral medicine, she has dedicated the past 20 years to studying and practicing the healing forms of her Mexican lineage. In recent years she has specialized in addressing personal and generational trauma, ritual art making, and dreaming arts, and currently has a private healing practice at the eleventh house in Fairfax.
For more information, please visit