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28 Days of Nourish to Flourish

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(Tip: Read to the bottom of this invitation to learn about how to get your free copy of Nourish to Flourish.)

You Are Invited!

Hold hands with others who know that self-care is key, but can't seem to get on top of it alone, in a way that makes the difference.

We humans are pack critters. We thrive in collaborative, supportive environments, but that is such a rarity, outside our social circles. Although our circles are essential to our mental and spiritual wellbeing, we don't often engage self-care routines within that context.

What if you could have the satifaction of connection AND traction in a self-care routine that addresses all aspects of your wellness? Body, mind and spirit?

28-Days of Nourish to Flourish is for you if you don't have the time or the support to make it up on your own.

For $27, you'll get 28-days of support, encouragement, camaraderie AND a fourteen-point *customizable* daily self-care routine that covers ALL the bases. The tried and true, resouce-rich handbook you receive as a participant in 28-Days of Nourish to Flourish is worth way more than your $27 investment to participate in the group. Plus, less than a dollar a day gives you access to encouragement, heart-full support, tricks and tips throughout the course.

Here's how it goes: 

We begin and end our journey together with an opening and a closing celebration circle where we meet, go through your handbooks together and address questions. Then we take (and share) our first 'snapshot'--via 7-point questionnaire--of how life is today (the day we begin). When we meet for our closing celebration, twenty-eight days later, we will answer the same set of questions and then compare our before and after 'snapshots' to affirm, share and celebrate what we discover, and what changed.

(For a peek into the 22-page, wisdom-dense blueprint you'll receive, see below.)**

Engage 28-Days of Nourish to Flourish as an experiment, as well as an adventure; a support circle as well as a witness to the progress you will have made in your sense of wellbeing when we complete.

NOTE FOR PARTICIPANTS: To receive your free copy of 28-Days of Nourish to Flourish and discover a community of others who share your wellness objectives, get your ticket now to reserve your seat. Space is limited.

OR - If the time isn't right for you, you can still get your free copy of 28-Days of Flourish to Nourish by simply visiting my website!


Angelina brings thirty years of training, practice and hard-won experience as a mother, wife, activist, leader and instructor... but most importantly, as a devout student of life. 

Angelina can confidently meet you with strength, compassion, purpose and love, while helping you build or reclaim the same in yourself. With BPI (1989-1993), ACIM (1994-present), Louise Hay, (1995-present) Byron Katie (1998-present), Marshall Rosenberg (1998-2000), Gary Craig (2000-present), Julia Butterfly Hill (2000-2011), Bryan Franklin (2009-present), Christie Marie Sheldon (2014-present), and Brené Brown (2015-present) as her trainers and mentors, she brings every bit of her broad range of training and life experience to serve you in your ever evolving nature.                                                         

**28-Days of Nourish to Flourish

Notice that in the following daily self-care routine, many of the items on the list are activities you already do daily, and that others are already there during some of the days.

Here is a brief outline of what you'll get from 28-Days of Nourish to Flourish:

1. Get 7+ hours of sleep per night

2. BREATHE (5-10 minutes)

3. Drink 16 ounces of water upon waking (1 minute)

4. Write Morning Pages (5-15 minutes)

5. Meditation/Prayer (10-20 minutes)

6. Move and sweat (10-20 minutes)

7. Yoga/Qigong/Tai Chi (5-15 minutes) 

8. Shower (5-15 minutes – 1-2 minutes in cold water)

9. Consume 30 grams of protein for breakfast (5-15 minutes)

10. Review your life vision – daily (5-10 minutes)

11. Listen to or read uplifting or enriching content (0 minutes when combined with items 6, 9 or a commute)

12. Action with your heart’s desires in mind – daily – (10-60 minutes)

13. PLAY (5-15 minutes)

14. Give yourself approval on a daily basis. Can be done after you complete any item on this list!! (10-30 SECONDS cumulatively through the day)

July 2

Monthly Moon Manifestation Circle with Karrie Myers Taylor and Dr. J. Anna Stid

July 3

Tarot Readings with Rachel Sterling