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Reiki Level I & Channeling Play-shop/ Certificate

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Reiki Level I & Channeling Play-shop/Certificate

The intention of this play-shop is to draw you into the world of Reiki energy medicine, which uplevels EVERYTHING in your life so that you walk away with the ability to use and integrate this medicine.

This play-shop is includes opening and clearing the intuitive body to awaken or enhance your channeling abilities and become the empowered intuitive multi-dimensional being you are meant to be!

Not only will you be able to move towards vitality, but you will open the path to becoming a Reiki Healing practitioner to share this pure loving medicine magick with others.

Reiki is a pure life force energy that brings more love, light, and healing at accelerated rates!

Reiki is accessible to all of us for self-healing.

Receive a powerful attunement, which initiates you into energy medicine.

I consider Reiki energy medicine to be at the forefront of my healing, which led me to a rich and robust life full of connection, play, and healthy boundaries after decades of struggling and living on that anxiety edge. As a healer, I encounter so much energy from people, life before Reiki was exhausting. Reiki supported my trauma recovery by allowing me to sink into myself and reclaim my energetic power. It opened my channeling and intuitive gifts in extraordinary ways. I went from living a drained, trauma expressing saturated life, including landing in the hospital literally paralyzed with Lyme disease, to a vitally vibrant active light-worker who is now carving out a sovereign abundant life full of meaningful relationships and able to navigate the ebbs and flows while still tapping into bliss consciousness.

We are all channels capable of tapping into Divine Consciousness through our sensing bodies. We can build the clairvoyant parts of the self just like working out a muscle. This course offers tools and high level activations for opening your channel to Divine messages, including playing with: animal spirits, plant spirits, Gaia Consciousness, Sacred Union and Relating, Ascended Light Masters, Goddess energies, Egyptian alchemy, and more!

Day Long Class, in-person at Heart Tribe in Fairfax, Ca: $222

The first price includes a day long “play”-shop & teachings, Reiki Level 1 Attunement, which will take place in person at Heart Tribe in Fairfax, Ca. There is an option to add an integration package. It is most beneficial for your Reiki practice and application if you also add our offer of the integration package, which is a month long virtual multi-modal guidance in your Reiki Level 1 and channeling portals with mystic teachings.

Reiki Level I & Channeling Playshop Includes:

  • Reiki Booklet

  • Introduction to Reiki

  • Reiki Level I Attunements ( SO POWER-FULL)

  • Self Healing Teachings & Practice

  • Channeling, Psychic protection, & Boundaries

  • Plant & Animal Ally Assigned for the Journey

Required Reading:

Text: The Reiki Sourcebook by Bronwen & Frans Stein

Go deeper with the Integration Package, Includes:

  • 4 Weekly Zoom Integration Group Classes (sharing, processing, starseed activations, ascended master messages, and extended teachings & Mystic Tools)

  • 1 Private Channeling Activation Session

  • Text and Email access for questions & support.

  • Forum for sharing your process and progress with mystic practices

  • Integration Buddy

  • Empowering integration weekly activities/themes

Integration Intensive group and one-on-one support add-on: $444

Payment empowerment (customization) plans available for the integration classes!

About Erika Joan:

I am a conduit & channel for the mystical journey, working in co-creation with other practitioners, Plant Spirit Medicine, & Spirits for empowering the healer | teacher | channel within others, forging into consciousness a cosmic level of community and connection on this Earthly delight of existence, for more joy, relational depth, bliss, and, of course, love.

My medicine comes from: direct personal healing of traumas and illness, including what many perceive as incurable, a life (lives actually) of studying a variety of Shamanic & Magick teachings, a deep relationship with plants and Gaia, mastery in psychology & trauma, a passion for bridging the seen to the unseen, and a path devoted to shadow-work and service to Earth & humanity.

I also work directly with Spirits to enhance the human experience.

I acknowledge that we are ALL powerful channels of energy (spirit) fully capable of high intuition. Our intuitive powers flower when the soul is activated and aligned.

It is such a deep soul reward to witness people unfolding into that embodiment.

May 31

Tarot Readings with Rachel Sterling

June 2

Monthly Moon Manifestation Circle with Karrie Myers Taylor and Dr. J. Anna Stid