In this workshop you will learn all the basics and beyond for a successful energy healing of your living space. By removing negative energy from your living or work space you can live a more peaceful life. When people live in an environment free of negative energy they sleep better, experience more prosperity, and love and serenity are able to thrive. The techniques we will cover include setting intention, using sacred herbs, sound healing, pendulums, blessings, and protection. Whatever your current spiritual practice you will walk away with new tools to create the world in which you want to live.
29-$47 Sliding Scale
Rachel Sterling is an energy healer, tarot card reader, and psychic medium from the San Francisco Bay Area. Since she was a child she has been connected to the spirit realm. Rachel feels everyone should live and work in a positive energy space. She has spent the last 30 years doing property energy healing's in a variety of different locations and situations throughout the US. Along with property energy healings she is passionate about providing her clients with personal energy healings that leave them feeling empowered and grounded. Rachel believes by creating sacred space where we live and work we are allowing our power and creativity to shine.