Plant & Crystal Magic 13: Meadowsweet & Celestite

Plant & Crystal Magic 13  Meadowsweet & Celestite (1).png

This month’s Plant & Crystal Magic article is dedicated to gentleness. Gentle magic. Gentle medicine. Gentle self care. Gentleness in the plant and mineral realms doesn’t mean less potency, necessarily, only that the manner in which our allies work to improve our physical and spiritual well being is subtle and comes with a feeling of softness. This softness can help us to open ourselves to receive, which may even make gentle medicines more powerful in effect. Especially during times when we are feeling on guard, overwhelmed, or unsafe, the gentle allies are the ones we can easily invite in to make the adjustments to our sense of clarity and well being, right when we need them most.


Meadowsweet is an aptly named wildflower, with a strong and sweet fragrance, similar to almond. It is a perennial, native to North America, as well as Europe and parts of Asia. It’s foliage is fern-like, and it’s flowers are white, wispy, and delicate, with hints of pink or purple. It is in bloom from June to September.

Also known as “Queen of the Meadow,” this fairy-like flower was sacred to the Druids, and has a long association with spells involving peace of mind, matters of love, harmony, and protection. It’s scent is said to lighten the heart, and its uses involve having it near enough to smell the pleasant fragrance. It was once used commonly to make bedrooms smell fresh and welcoming, a practice which may have stemmed from it’s use as a protection plant. Sprinkling the flower petals around the home can promote peace within, while hanging it at the front door is said to protect the home from thieves, and placing the fresh flowers on an altar is a means for increasing the sense of sacredness and happiness within. Wedding bouquets are often made with Meadowsweet, to bless the marriage with harmony and joy. A flower petal path can also be made for the couple to walk on, after the marriage ceremony, towards their future together.

It is hard to resist flower magic. They have incredible power to shift emotional states and seduce our senses. My elder Curanderismo maestra in Mexico, Dona Enriqueta Contreras, once told me that she won’t step foot into a home where there are no flowers present, because the emotional energies become too stagnant, creating unnecessary turmoil, and often ill health. Flowers are fantastic at absorbing unwanted energies, and transmuting the aires around us into more joyful, harmonious frequencies. This works well with all flowers, especially those that are white (white rose petals in a bowl of water come to mind), but Meadowsweet has the visual softness and rich fragrance to create a harmony enchantment in the densest of energetic environments. It calls out the loving side of our nature.

To incorporate the emotional and spiritual medicine of Meadowsweet on a deeper personal level, a flower essence can be taken internally as well. Meadowsweet can also be made into a tea, to access its more physical effects. It acts as a tonic when one is feeling physically weak, an interesting compliment to its ability to uplift a heavy state of mind. It can also treat stomach upset, including diarrhea. For highest potency, the flowers should be harvested just after they bloom. The leaves can also be used, and are best collected just before the flowers blossom.


The name Celestite means celestial, of the heavens. This crystal was named for its most common color, a gentle sky blue that calls to mind the cosmos. Connection with the cosmic consciousness is at the core of its nature. It promotes angelic or spiritual communication, and helps to instill a sense of trust, patience, and relationship with the divine and its infinite source of healing.

Celestite can be found in more than one color, and there are variations of meaning between its color expressions, however most of the crystals found on the market currently are a pale, grayish blue and come from Madagascar. These are generally formed in clusters or geodes. Though some blue tabular and double terminated Celestite crystals may be found, on occasion, they are far more rare. This means that, similar to Meadowsweet, the most effective use of Celestite will be in placing them around the home so that they can emanate their calming, positive, and gentle energies, purifying the space and drawing the attention of protective spirits and the angelic realm. Their presence can help counter fear, paranoia, anxiety, sleeplessness, and suspicion, replacing these difficult emotions with a sense of safety, protection, optimism, and even mild euphoria.

As a form of sulfate, Celestite crystals have a natural affinity for clearing and cleansing, from supporting the healing of physical infections to cleansing the energetic field and environment of negative attachments. They can be a strong ally in meditation and dream work as well, helping to open psychic capabilities and enhancing visionary states, while supporting clarity and the ability to maintain focus in altered awareness. These beautiful, calming crystals are ideal for magical practitioners, increasing intuition, calmness, clarity, remembrance of the soul’s true nature and purpose, and the purity and protection of one’s sacred space. They can help us to access inner power, while making relationship with celestial forces, and purifying our energy bodies and homes of negative influence, a threefold power of special importance in times of stress and uncertainty.

Suggestion for Working with Meadowsweet and Celestite Together:

This is an easy action to take to cleanse yourself and your household, and to offer softness and psychic care when you need it. Gather some ceramic bowls, ideally white. If you can, gather seven of them, because seven is the number of the moon, the cosmic force which both creates and destroys, and which holds sway over our dreams and unconscious. Seven is also the number of stars in the pleiades constellation, which relates to the collective, and to the Celestite stone, as the mythic bestower of its gift for wisdom. In each bowl place a small amount of water and fresh Meadowsweet flowers. Make sure to put one bowl on your altar, and spread the rest throughout your home, including every room. These can remain for as long as they still look and smell fresh. If the energies within the space are heavy, the flowers and/or water may take on a darker appearance quickly. Whenever this happens, it is time to return them to the earth with gratitude for what they absorbed and cleared.

Then, use your intuition and deep listening to engage your Celestite crystals. Having seven would, again, be ideal, but any number you have will do. Ask them where they need to be in your home in order to best promote serenity, protection, clarity, and helpful divine guidance. Make sure to put one close to where you sleep and dream. Breathe. Relax. Open yourself to insight, healing, and more ease within the sanctity of mind, heart, body, and home.


May gentleness surround you,

the eleventh house

-This blog was written by Melusina Gomez. You can learn more about her work and healing practices at