Plant & Crystal Magic 1: Chamomile & Citrine


As we continue to balance on the frayed seams of a changing planet, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the fear and stress cycling rapidly through the collective. According to the ancient tradition of Indigenous Mexico, the earth has a language to express imbalance in our relationship to her, and this expression manifests in three primary ways: health issues (mainly through virus and bacteria), contractions in abundance, and natural disaster. And here we are, in the midst of a pandemic, and in economic uncertainty, with wildfires burning all around us, here in Northern California, a lightening storm having literally descended in a heat wave, during the dry season.

Let’s take a breath. (Indoors probably, since the air quality is currently compromised) We are going to have to adapt, both within our nervous systems, and within our relationship to the earth.

Whether the most immediate concern is health, separation from loved ones, rebuilding work and income, or potential evacuations and losses, we are likely to be in survival mode, an extended fight or flight state of mind. Any one of these areas of threat to survival and well being can produce tremendous stress and overwhelm. When fears from many aspects of life collide, it is all too easy to panic and act without clear thinking and engaged intuition, or to shut down, without taking action at all.

However, as we work through the challenges of this time, bit by bit, with one foot in front of the other, we can call on our plant and mineral allies to help us release and begin again. Excessive emotions, which may be building up, can prevent our clarity and access to inner guidance, block our ability to manifest, and even make us emotionally or physically ill. For anyone feeling anxious, numb, or stuck, this month’s suggestion is to work with the golden light medicine of chamomile and natural citrine.


Though most know it mainly as a calming tea, chamomile is a subtle and powerful healing herb, with many applications, from pain relief and digestive aid to brightening a dark mood and changing how one dreams. With bright, sun like flowers, and a sweet, soothing scent, chamomile is a nurturing and uplifting flower.

Chamomile is one of the primary herbs used or healing in the folk tradition of Curanderismo. It is a flower with an affinity for trauma, for helping one to feel safe enough to release traumatic experiences, fear, shock, and post traumatic stress. It can aid in returning soul to body, after dissociation, and can restore a sense of vulnerability and trust, softening the walls around an overwhelmed and guarded emotional heart. Because of this restored lightness, it can even make one feel giddy or in an altered state, especially when breathing the aroma in steam, so be aware.

Chamomile is a well known soporific, and will assist in calming and bringing restful sleep. It can help in preventing nightmares, and is a good ally for children in stressful situations, or for anyone in need of feminine nurturing. It’s gentle nature and slightly sweet flavor make it accessible, allowing us to easily invite it in to do its powerful work.

Some ways to work with chamomile:

  • Find fresh or recently dried flowers. If they don’t have the sweet scent, the medicine is no longer potent.

  • Touch and smell the flowers with closed eyes. Ask them for their gifts, and for the help you specifically need. Listen to the thoughts, emotions, memories and insights that may come.

  • Make an infusion in hot water to drink. Make sure to steep for 20 minutes. German Chamomile is most often used for tea.

  • Infuse in water for an herbal bath or steam. (More on this process at the end, though there is much more to say about herbal baths and steaming.)

  • Make an herbal infused oil or add essential oil of chamomile to your body oil or lotion. Roman Chamomile has the stronger scent for this purpose.

  • Wear a small satchel of fresh or dried flowers on your body, tucked into clothing or as jewelry.

  • Bring fresh or dried flowers to bed with you. Hold them and breath as you fall asleep, or place them in a cloth bundle under your pillow. This will allow the plant spirit to interact with you in your dreams, making relationship, and possibly bringing its subtle medicine and insight.


Citrine is a stone of light, manifestation, grounding dreams in reality, inspired creativity, and physical and emotional stamina. Working with its energies is like working with the sun, lifting the mood and moving one towards a positive path of creating. In The Book of Stones, Naisha Ahsian states the following about its spiritual gifts:

“Natural Citrine is the great manifestor, allowing one to purify the manifestation channel and bring Divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists one in maintaining one’s direction when the going gets difficult, or when obstacles appear in one’s path.”

Natural Citrine is an important distinction to make, because not all citrine on the market is natural. It is more common to find the lemon colored, or translucent, heat treated citrine, and though it may have some similar influence on creativity and mood, the energy is far more diffuse. It is best to work with the darker orange, golden, and more opaque, unprocessed citrine, which comes from the smoky quartz family.

Natural Citrine is a perfect manifestation stone for troubled times. It can help us to heal our sense of powerlessness, and any feelings of being undeserving of abundance, while energizing our will. It can help to connect our upper energy centers, responsible for inspired ideas and spiritual vision, with our lower chakras, to ground us and strengthen our ability to create. While uplifting our spirits, citrine can help us to keep our efforts going during moments of uncertainty and discouragement. Its influence can also help us to adapt to adversity with new eyes and to take decisive action when necessary.

Citrine is also safe to use in water, and can be infused into drinking water, as well as held or worn on the body for crystal meditation, and to absorb the helpful energies. Remember that crystals generally need to be cleansed and charged before accessing their guidance and medicine. This can be done with water, salt, copal or sage smoke, sunlight or moonlight.

Furthermore, with minerals as with herbs, making a relationship is key. Minerals are the oldest of earth’s wisdom keepers and have a lot to give if approached with reverence. Hold them. Wear them. Pray or meditate with them. Ask for the help you need. You can even dream with them near your bed or under your pillow. This is how we form deep allyship.

Below is our suggestion for working with the light filled, magical properties of chamomile and citrine together.

Herbal and Crystal Healing Cleanse with Chamomile and Citrine:

  1. Soak your citrine in water and a small amount of salt for 3 days. Set it under moonlight or sunlight, if you are in an area unaffected by smoke and ash. Pour out the water and rinse your stone.

  2. Hold your citrine and ask for its help in the areas you most need. Be clear about your intention and blow it into the crystal.

  3. Take your stone and place it in a ceramic or glass bowl, then fill the vessel with spring water or purified water.

  4. Offer a song, a prayer, or something else that is sacred (like tears, for example). Then, ask the stone to infuse its medicine into the water.

  5. Let it soak there and walk away.

  6. Take your fresh or dried chamomile in your hands. Touch, smell, and notice the feelings, impressions, and memories that arise.

  7. Make an offering, as above, and ask the flower for the healing and soothing you need.

  8. Heat a large pot of water. Turn the flame off, once at a boil.

  9. Add your chamomile to the water, without a strainer or bag, and let it infuse for 20 minutes.

  10. Pour yourself a large cup of tea and add some of your citrine water into it.

  11. Draw a hot bath or prepare a shower.

  12. Warm the remaining chamomile infusion to a boil and then turn off. Take this, your citrine water and a towel to the bath.

  13. In the bath or shower, breath in the steam gently, for as long as you can, with the towel covering your head and the pot or bowl.

  14. Mix the citrine water with the chamomile infusion. Pour it into the bath, or use the bowl. Use a cup or gourd to pour the herbal water over your head and body repeatedly, flowers and all. (You can strain them later, so they won’t clog the drain or have something there to catch the plant material.) Release as needed, without holding onto the emotions. Allow them to express. Keep breathing deeply or nothing is able to move. Drink your tea slowly as you move through this personal ritual. Let yourself receive light, inspiration, soothing, and insight, as it comes. Rejuvenate and come home to yourself.

  15. Afterwards, wrap yourself in something warm and cover your head. Treat yourself kindly. Strain the flowers from the bath or shower and return them to the earth, while repeating your intentions for healing and manifestation, asking her favor to complete the process.

May a gentle return to yourself bring clarity, and energy, to keep you going, as we all move forward.

From, the eleventh house

-This blog was written by Melusina Gomez. You can find out more about her work and healing practices at